The Tufnell Press publishes books for the social sciences, including sociology, ethnography, gender, sexuality, education, health care and the prevention of drug addiction

Complete listing of books

Arts and ethnography in a contemporary world: From learning to  social participation

Edited by Lígia Ferro and David Poveda

Ethnography and Education

Enabling Education

experiences in special and ordinary

Priscilla Alderson and Christopher Goodey

Troubling educational cultures in the Nordic countries

Touko Vaahtera, Anna-Maija Niemi,
Sirpa Lappalainen Dennis Beach

Ethnography and Education

Purists and Peripherals:
Hip-Hop and Grime subcultures

Todd Dedman

The postmodern professional:
Contemporary learning practices, dilemmas and perspectives

Karen Borgnakke, Marianne Dovemark and
Sofia Marques da Silva

Ethnography and Education

Equity and education in cold climates
in Sweden and England

edited by

Dennis Beach and Alan Dyson

Identity and social interaction in a multi-ethnic classroom

Ruth Barley

Ethnography and Education

Fair and competitive?
Critical perspectives on contemporary Nordic schooling

Anne-Lise Arnesen, Elina Lahelma, Lisbeth Lundahl and Elisabet Öhrn

Ethnography and Education

Learning care lessons: Literacy, love, care and solidarity

Maggie Feeley

Ethnography and Education

Youth and marginalisation: Young people from immigrant families in Scandinavia

Gestur Gudmundsson, Dennis Beach and Viggo Vestel

Youth and work transitions in changing social landscapes

Helena Helve and Karen Evans

Cultural practices and transitions in education

Tarja Tolonen, Tarja Palmu, Sirpa Lappalainen and Tuuli Kurki

Learner biographies and learning cultures: identity and apprenticeship in England and Germany

Michaela Brockmann

Ethnography and Education

No country for the young:
Education from New Labour to the Coalition

edited by
Richard Hatcher and Ken Jones

Young people’s influence and democratic education:
Ethnographic studies in upper secondary schools?

edited by
Elisabet Öhrn, Lisbeth Lundahl and Dennis Beach

Ethnography and Education

Ritual and Identity:
The staging and performing of rituals
in the lives of young people

Christoph Wulf, Birgit Althans, Kathrin Audehm,
Constanze Bausch, Michael Göhlich, Stephan Sting,
Anja Tervooren, Monika Wagner-Willi, and Jörg Zirfas

Ethnography and Education

Teenage Parenthood:
What's the problem?

edited by

Simon Duncan, Rosalind Edwards and Claire Alexander

Growing up bad:
Black Youth, ‘Road’ Culture and Badness in an East London Neighbourhood

Anthony Gunter
How to do Educational Ethnography

Edited by Geoffrey Walford

Ethnography and Education

Performing English with a postcolonial accent: Ethnographic narratives from Mexico

Angeles Clemente and Michael J. Higgins

Ethnography and Education

Young people

Gender, sexuality and young people

The Male in the Head: Young people, heterosexuality and power
Women, Risk and AIDS; Men, Risk and AIDS
Women, Risk and AIDS; Men, Risk and AIDS publications

Books related to education

Education makes you fick, innit?
What’s gone wrong in England’s schools, colleges and universities and how to start putting it right
Democratic Education: Ethnographic Challenges, eds Dennis Beach, Tuula Gordon
and Elina Lahelma
The Battle in Seattle: Its significance for education Glenn Rikowski
Through the Moral Maze: a quantitative study of young people's values Sheena McGrellis, Sheila Henderson, Janet Holland, Sue Sharpe, & Rachel Thomson
Postmodernism in Educational Theory: Education and the Politics of Human Resistance
Edited by Dave Hill, Peter McLaren, Mike Cole and Glenn Rikowski
Enabling Education by Priscilla Alderson and Christopher Goody
Hillcole Publications written by the The Hillcole Group
Living Community, living School by Chris Searle
The London File, papers from the Institute of Education, University of London
Look before you leap? Edited by Andrew Pollard
Rethinking education and democracy The Hillcole Group

Drug addiction and usage

Coping with Illicit Drug Use by Robert Power
Syringe exchange in England - an overview by Martin C. Donoghoe, Gerry V. Stimson, and Kate A. Dolan
Hard to reach or out of reach? by Rhodes, T., Holland, J., & Hartnoll, R.
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